- Ernia
- Incontinenza Fecale
- Incontinenza Urinaria
- Macroplastique
- Mesh
- Ricostruzione Mammaria
- Sling per incontinenza
- Suture mesh
- Urodinamica
Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation to treat fecal incontinence
2010 - B. Govaert, D. Pares, S. Delgado-Aros, F. La Torre, W. G. van Gemert and C. G. Baeten
A prospective multicentre study to investigate percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation for the treatment of faecal incontinence
Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) is a minimal invasive treatment that can be performed in the outpatient clinic. This is a pilot study to investigate PTNS in the treatment of faecal incontinence.
Colorectal Disease 2010 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.
PTQ anal implants
2009 - Bartlett, L. & Ho, Y.H.
PTQ anal implants for the treatment of faecal incontinence.
In North Queensland demand for conservative faecal incontinence treatments outweighs supply. Injectable bulking agents offer a safe and effective treatment for patients with internal anal sphincter (IAS) dysfunction.
Br J Surg, 96(12), 1468-75.