
New surgical methods in breast surgery

2012 - M. Rezai,P. Kern

New surgical strategies in breast surgery
Problems and their possible solutions

Breast surgery has developed into an increas- ingly targeted therapy, making a transi- tion from radicality with post-mastectomy trauma to aesthetic oncoplastic surgery and, in particular in the areas of oncoplasty and reconstruction, is setting new standards. The new surgical methods and materials described here should be part of a teachable and learnable concept in aesthetic surgery that ensures high patient satisfaction with simultaneous oncologic safety in an optimal ratio. Patients find the combination of simultaneous reconstruction with mastec- tomy as part of the same operation to be less inconvenient, and they achieve a good body image, which also has an effect on their in- teractions with their partners. New materials help in reconstructive breast surgery during shaping and can be used without major complications.