Chirurgia del seno TiLOOP Bra


Matrice bioinerte titanizzata presagomata per la chirurgia ricostruttiva del seno

In presenza di una neoformazione maligna della mammella e spesso anche quando c’è un forte rischio che si sviluppi un tumore vengono eseguiti interventi demolitivi di vario tipo, in rapporto allo sviluppo della malattia e alla strategia terapeutica prescelta.
La ricostruzione può essere immediata cioè eseguita durante lo stesso intervento demolitivo oppure può essere differita e cioè eseguita in un secondo tempo, a distanza di 6-9 mesi dopo il primo intervento.

La mesh TiLoop BRA® commercializzata dalla Sunmedical è l’unica rete sintetica sul mercato approvata appositamente per la ricostruzione del seno dopo mastectomia. Il rivestimento in titanio aumenta notevolmente la biocompatibilità con i tessuti ed è proprio per questa sua caratteristica che da decenni è impiegato in altre branche della medicina.

Essa consente di posizionare la protesi mammaria immediatamente dopo la rimozione della massa tumorale evitando così il posizionamento dell’espansore temporaneo e successivamente, del secondo intervento.

La mesh viene ancorata al muscolo pettorale e quindi rivolta su stessa andando ad “impacchettare” la protesi mammaria. Il rivestimento brevettato in Titanio e la sua leggerezza garantiscono un’ottima biocompatibilità ed il massimo comfort per il paziente.

Nell’area download di questa sezione, potrai scaricare sia il video con tecnica Dual plane, sia il video con tecnica sottocutanea con impianto di protesi definitiva.

6000636TiLOOP® small 16 g/m2 (extralight)1
6000637TiLOOP® medium 16 g/m2 (extralight)1
6000638TiLOOP® large 16 g/m2 (extralight)1
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Approfondimenti scientifici

Titanium-coated polypropylene mesh as innovative bioactive material in conservatives mastectomies and pre-pectoral breast reconstruction
2021 - Pietro Gentile, Marco Bernini, Lorenzo Orzalesi, Silvia Sordi, Icro Meattini, Francesca Lessi, Ashutosh Kothari e Claudio Calabrese


Breast reconstruction is rapidly evolving, thanks to the growing acceptance of synthetic meshes as innovative biomaterials. 276 patients undergoing mastectomy (total of 328 mastectomies) were analyzed in a retrospective observational study to evaluate the pre-pectoral immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) using an implant wrapped with Titanium-Coated Polypropylene Mesh (TCPM) vs. patients treated with tissue expander (TE), equally placed pre-pectorally (and wrapped with the same TCPM in 74.3% of the control group’ breasts). 

Study results

Histological analysis showed a process of normal tissue repair with a complete mesh integration and normal healing. Conservative mastectomies with pre-pectoral IBR assisted by TCPM proved themselves oncologically safe, biologically integrated into native tissues, and highly accepted in terms of quality of life guaranteeing a more natural and aesthetic breast appearance.


This retrospective observational study provided clinical and histological outcomes of the pre-pectoral IBR using an implant wrapped with TCPM vs. patients treated with TE, equally placed pre-pectorally.

All the histological analyses performed confirmed the TCPM mesh complete integration with the physiological aspects of healing: The Collagen 1 and 3 expressions did not differ, between TCPM and NO TCPM samples to confirm a process of healing overlapping to perfect device incorporation and normal healing.

Robot-Assisted Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction with Prepectoral Tiloop-Enveloped Implant: A Case Report
2021 - Mariotti Carlo, Raffaeli Eugenia, Liverotti Sara, Lenti Enrico, Braccioni Francesco, Gentili Marco, Carrara Maria Cristina and Cardinali Chiara


This paper describes the first experience our centre had with robot-assisted nipple-sparing mastectomy, which was performed for prophylactic purposes using the Da Vinci Si robotic Surgical System. 

Study results

This preliminary experience was very positive as to the accuracy of surgical manoeuvres thanks to the high quality of the 3D image; the demolition and reconstruction operations (carried out using a prepectoral implant covered with a Tiloop Bra synthetic mesh) were performed through a single axillary incision of just a few centimeters.


The technical difficulties are undeniable, but the learning curves described in the literature are promising

Veritas in Immediate Implant-based Breast Reconstruction Is Associated with Higher Complications Compared with TiLOOP BRA
2020 - Gaik Si Quah, James R. French, Annelise Cocco, Jeremy Hsu, Farid Meybodi, Elisabeth Elder

Background: Biologic and synthetic meshes are used in immediate implant-based breast reconstruction for coverage of the lower pole of the implant. This study aimed to compare outcomes of Veritas with TiLOOP bra 

Study results

Comparison of the Veritas group with the TiLOOP® Bra Group:
- Overall higher complication rate in the Veritas group: 54% vs. 14% of breasts

- Higher seroma rate/ non-integration in the Veritas group: 51.4% vs. 1.6% of breasts

- More implant rotations in the Veritas group: 16.2% vs. 1.1% of breasts

- Higher infection rate in the Veritas group: 18.9% vs. 2.1% of breasts

- More wound dehiscence in the Veritas group: 10.8% vs. 0.5% of breasts

Capsular fibrosis after radioterapy
2011 - Dr. Tilman Schottler

The titanium mesh as "camouflage mesh" in prosthetic breast surgery?

Klinikum Offenburg, Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

Through tissue integration the titanium meshes can develop a "neofascia" in the breast, in addition,it shows a very low capsular fibrosis rate, which was not to be expected due to the radiotherapy. A capsular fibrosis rate of 4.3% corresponds to the value of patients who have not undergone radiotherapy over a period of 10 years.